Fieldlook – мониторинг посевов
Fieldlook – мониторинг посевов
Fieldlook crop monitoring is a unique tool that provide you with data about your crop in absolute figures without any field visit or sensor or whatsover in the field. The data are based on satellite imagery and weather data only and cover growth, moisture and nutrients. The system is operational since 2012 in Russia and Ukraine and provide the following data components:
biomass production in kg dry matter per hectare per week
Leaf Area Index in m2 green leaves per m2 of land
Precipitation Excess in mm per 2 week
Transpiration deficit in mm per week
N in top leaf
Yield for winter wheat, barley, sugar beets and potato
Difco has developed the know how and experience to translate these data into action in the field in terms of extra or less fertilizer and or crop protection.